{gallery count=1 alignment=right width=240 height=240}travels/europe/de/pfaffenstein_2015-12-27/medium/DSC03683-015.jpg{/gallery}
Destination: Pfaffenstain (434,6 m)
Route: Pfaffendorf - Pfaffenstein - Pfaffendorf
Starting and ending point - Pfaffendorf
Time needed: 2 h
Difficulty: easy, some parts of the trail are steep but well secured
Description: A nice walking through the labyrinth of the one of interesting set of cliffs in Saxony Switzerland (Saxony, Germany)
Travel notes:
{gallery count=1 alignment=right width=150 height=150}travels/europe/de/pfaffenstein_2015-12-27/medium/DSC03641-007.jpg{/gallery}
Photo-album: Photo-album by Dražen
- Elbsandsteingebirge, Nationalpark Sächisische Shweiz, M 1: 25 000, Kompass
- Wikipedia: Pfaffenstein
- Wengel, T., Sächisische Shweiz - Die 55 schönsten Touren, Bruckmann
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