• Veliki kozjak and Lubenovac

    from Hajdučki Kukovi
  • Krupa Canyon

    below Ravni Golubić
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[SIGPLUS_EXCEPTION_SOURCE] Image source is expected to be a full URL or a path relative to the image base folder specified in the back-end but travels/velebit/central/velebit-2016_bura-basaca-badanj/medium/DSC06420-006.jpg is neither a URL nor a relative path to an existing file or folder.

Destination: Badanj, Krupa

Starting point:  Planinarski dom Prpa (935 m)

Difficulty: Easy signed trail

Description: 15th Velebit in a row... despite the storm, the strongest bora in the last 12 years, we dared to experience that on Basača and visit Badanj, even in the rain, what was enough to get wet to the pants and stiff from the cold. Luckily, we have warmed up by the fire and the central heating. Tomorrow we  visited Krupa downstream from Kuda's bridge and even swam in it.

{gallery count=1 alignment=right width=240 height=240}/travels/velebit/central/velebit-2016_bura-basaca-badanj/medium/DSC06420-006.jpg{/gallery}

  • Hiking hut Prpa - Basaća - Hiking hut Prpa
  • Hiking hut Prpa - Badanj - Hiking hut Prpa - 1,5 h (2 h spent)
  • Golubić (obrovački) - Kuda's bridge - Krupa - Visoki buk - Ravni Golubić,  3 h efektivno (5 h - utrošeno)
  • Altitude profile is here

Zapisi s izleta:


Bura - Badanj - Basača


Zemljovidi i GPS tragovi:karta - Krupa

  • Južni Velebit, Karta No 18b, SMAND
  • Topografske karte: TK25 Gračac 4-1 (470-4-1) i Gračac 4-2 (470-4-2), Državna geodetska Uprava, Zagreb
  • Za prikaz GPS tragova u aplikaciji GoogleMaps kliknite na sličicu karte:


Pristup :

  • Krupa: Autocesta A1, izlaz Gračac. Slijediti putokaze za Zadar preko prijevoja Prezid (cesta 27). 4 km poslije prevoja skrenuti lijevo (cesta 6027) slijedeći putokaze Krupa, Golubić.
    • Ušće, Visoki buk: Kad se pojave markacije (Krupa, Vratolom), skrenuti desno do kuća Ravnog Golubića, u selu lijevo do kraja asfalta, prateći markacije.
    • Golubić, Kudin most: Produljiti ravno do centra Golubića. Kod Škole, skrenuti desno, putokaz za Kudin most. Na kraju asfalta je parkiralište.