Destination: Bärenfangwände, Krinitzgrab, Richtergrotte
Starting and ending point: Neumannmühle (near Bad Schandau)
Time needed: 5 h
Difficulty: easy, some parts of the trail are steep
Altitude difference: 300m (see the altitude profile)
Description: A nice, easy walking through Saxony Switzerland National Park (Saxony, Germany).
Route: Neumannmühle -> Bärenfangwände -> Richterschlüchte -> Krinitzgrab -> Richtergrotte -> Zeughaus
Travel notes:
Photo-album: Photo-album by Dražen
- In order to view the GPS tracks from the trip in GoogleMaps, click on the map icon:
- Elbsandsteingebirge, Nationalpark Sächisische Shweiz, M 1: 25 000, Kompass
- Wengel, T., Sächisische Shweiz - Die 55 schönsten Touren, Bruckmann