

[SIGPLUS_EXCEPTION_SOURCE] Image source is expected to be a full URL or a path relative to the image base folder specified in the back-end but galleries/hiking/banovina/hrastovacka_gora-summit/DSC02690.JPG is neither a URL nor a relative path to an existing file or folder.
[SIGPLUS_EXCEPTION_SOURCE] Image source is expected to be a full URL or a path relative to the image base folder specified in the back-end but galleries/hiking/banovina/petrinjska_setnica/DSC03751.JPG is neither a URL nor a relative path to an existing file or folder.
Category: Banovina, Kordun, Pokuplje and Moslavina
Hits: 3026

Hrastovačka gora (Hrastovica Hill), 415 m - General information


Hrastovička Gora - The Summit (415 m)

In the maps The summit of The Hrastovica Hill is named "Cepeliš" after the village on its foot, but local people call it "Piramida" (The Pyramid). There is a geodetic pyramid about 14 m tall.

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A few tens meters from the summit there is the mountain lodge "Matija Filjak". The information about lodge can be found at the official pages of the hiking club HPD-Zrin Petrinja.

More information about the summit, the mountain lodge can be found here

Hiking trails and other accesses to the summit

Klinačke Strane

Klinačke Strane (or Klinačka Strana) are Zrinska Gore slopes. They are separated from Hrastovička Gora by Petrinjčica river valley. there are two castles, St Francisco monastery  of St. Anthony. The trip to this area can be combined with the trip to Hrastovička Gora - southern approach in one trip of 5-6 h of walking with a lot of things worth of seeing.

Guide to Klinačke Strane is given in the article Klinačke Strane, Klinac Castle, St. Anthony Monastery and Čuntić Castle.

Petrinjska šetnica (The little promenade around Petrinja)

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This is a circle trail, about 6 km long. Its route leads along the river Petrinjčica, through the hills around Petrinja, and close to the former Petrinja restaurants Vila and Pigik.

 It takes less than two hours of walking

The Maps