Category: Gorski Kotar
Hits: 25488

Destination: Bijele Stijene - Summit (1334 m) - Vihor Trail

Beginning: Parking at the branch of the road Mrkopalj-Jasenak

End: the crossing "13th km" on the road Mrkopalj-Jasenak

Duration: about 6 h

The level of difficulties: Moderate to high

Altitude difference: 325 m  Altitude profile is here

Attractivity:  *** (of ***)

Convenient season for visit: Summer


Starting point:

Ending point:

- about 5 h of walking
  • from the pass Boce, to descent  to the end of Klanac Kostura. This is shorter variant but less attractive (it avoids Ljuska, the most interesting part of Vihor Trail)
- about 4 h of walking
  • return using the same way after ascent to the summit

The level of difficulties: Moderate to high

Duration: about 6 h


The route description:

Maps and GPS tracks:

Approach and Accommodation:


Other interesting things:

Related trips:

Control points of Mountaineering trails:

