

[SIGPLUS_EXCEPTION_SOURCE] Image source is expected to be a full URL or a path relative to the image base folder specified in the back-end but travels/dalmatia/mljet-po_vrsima_2012-04-29/slides/DSC04684.JPG is neither a URL nor a relative path to an existing file or folder.
[SIGPLUS_EXCEPTION_SOURCE] Image source is expected to be a full URL or a path relative to the image base folder specified in the back-end but travels/dalmatia/mljet-veliki_grad_2012-04-28 is neither a URL nor a relative path to an existing file or folder.
[SIGPLUS_EXCEPTION_SOURCE] Image source is expected to be a full URL or a path relative to the image base folder specified in the back-end but travels/dalmatia/mljet-po_vrsima_2012-04-29/slides is neither a URL nor a relative path to an existing file or folder.
[SIGPLUS_EXCEPTION_SOURCE] Image source is expected to be a full URL or a path relative to the image base folder specified in the back-end but travels/dalmatia/mljet_2012-04-30/slides is neither a URL nor a relative path to an existing file or folder.
[SIGPLUS_EXCEPTION_SOURCE] Image source is expected to be a full URL or a path relative to the image base folder specified in the back-end but travels/dalmatia/mljet-cro_hikers_days_2012/slides is neither a URL nor a relative path to an existing file or folder.
Category: Dalmatia
Hits: 12932

{gallery count=1 alignment=right width=240 height=240}travels/dalmatia/mljet-po_vrsima_2012-04-29/slides/DSC04684.JPG{/gallery}
When: 27th April to 1st. May 2012.

Where: Mljet, Babino Polje, camp Mungos


Altude difference (max): 514 m (vidjeti visinske profile pojedinih ruta)

Difficulty: easy to medium (due to distances)

Ukratko: Prvi puta na Danima Hrvatskih planinara, prvo planinarenje po Mljetu te najranije ugodno kupanje u moru (28.4). Sve u svemu, nezaboravno.





Notes from the trips:




Maps and GPS data:

