

[SIGPLUS_EXCEPTION_MEMORY] Insufficient memory to carry out an operation on root/images/eventgallery/trips-gesause-hochzinodl_2019-07-22/DSC02695.JPG, an approximate 72000000 bytes required, 119537664 bytes available. (Not all available memory can be consumed in order to ensure safe operations.)
Category: Alps
Hits: 2479

{gallery alignment=right count=1 width=240 height=240}eventgallery/trips-gesause-hochzinodl_2019-07-22/DSC02621-M067EV.jpg{/gallery}

Route: Gasthof Köblwirt - Pl. Dom Heßhütte (1699 m) Hochzinödl (2191 m) - Panoram weg - Pl. Dom Heßhütte - Gasthof Köblwirt

Starting and ending points: Johnsbach, Gasthof Köblwirt (860 m)

Altitude difference: 1350 m (see altitude profile)

Ascent time:  4,5 h eff (one direction)

Difficulty: technically easy, fit moderate

Tagline: After exactly 8 years, next try to conquer Hochzinödl, but with total different weather conditions: previous time it was snowy (snow border at 1500 m a/s) but this time, sunny and hot.


Maps and GPS data:Heßhütte prikaz GPS tragova

